Safeguarding Information
Hadleigh URC is committed to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk, and to ensuring their well-being in accordance with our Christian values. Our Safeguarding Policy is a vital tool for achieving that and is reviewed and updated annually.

Safeguarding Policy

Good Practice 6

Code of Conduct
We believe that everyone who uses our premises has a responsibility to ensure it is a safe place for all. Therefore, we have adopted the Code of Conduct you see below:
Code of Conduct
We believe that everyone who uses our premises has a responsibility to ensure it is a safe place for all. Therefore we have adopted the following Code of Conduct:
Treat everyone with courtesy and respect at all times.
Model the behaviour and care for others we expect.
Listen carefully but NEVER promise to keep what you are told a secret.
Respect privacy – everyone is entitled to it.
Ensure everyone is included – modifying activities as needed.
Don’t show favouritism.
Physical contact is NOT banned but should be public and must be appropriate for the person, context and situation.
Never get into private communication with a child
(e.g. calls, texts, emails). -
Support adults at risk under the guidance of the Pastoral Care team.
Never take photographs without consent.
Report anything you see or hear that concerns you. Contacts below.
You are not alone – do ask for help when needed.
Safeguarding Contacts
Any concerns or allegations should be addressed to:

Hadleigh URC Safeguarding Coordinator (children)
Karen Harman
Tel: 01473 824765
Email: kharmanasms@btinternet.com

Hadleigh URC Safeguarding Coordinator (vulnerable adults)
Sammy Apraku Mensah
Tel: 01473 823118
Email: apmens@gmail.com

URC Eastern Synod Safeguarding Officer
Candice Hart
Email: cydo@urceastern.org.uk
Tel: 01223 830770
If the matter is urgent and requires immediate action, contact Social Services or the Police.
Local Authority Designated Officer:
0300 123 2044
Adult & Children’s Social Care Department:
0808 800 4005 (Office and Out of Hours)