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Old Book


Safeguarding Information

Hadleigh URC is committed to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk, and to ensuring their well-being in accordance with our Christian values. Our Safeguarding Policy is a vital tool for achieving that and is reviewed and updated annually. 

Image by Ramin Talebi

Safeguarding Policy

Children and Teacher in Kindergarten

Good Practice 6

Code of Conduct

We believe that everyone who uses our premises has a responsibility to ensure it is a safe place for all. Therefore, we have adopted the Code of Conduct you see below:

Code of Conduct

We believe that everyone who uses our premises has a responsibility to ensure it is a safe place for all. Therefore we have adopted the following Code of Conduct:



  • Treat everyone with courtesy and respect at all times.

  • Model the behaviour and care for others we expect.

  • Listen carefully but NEVER promise to keep what you are told a secret.

  • Respect privacy – everyone is entitled to it.

  • Ensure everyone is included – modifying activities as needed.

  • Don’t show favouritism.

  • Physical contact is NOT banned but should be public and must be appropriate for the person, context and situation.

  • Never get into private communication with a child
    (e.g. calls, texts, emails).

  • Support adults at risk under the guidance of the Pastoral Care team.

  • Never take photographs without consent.

  • Report anything you see or hear that concerns you. Contacts below.

  • You are not alone – do ask for help when needed.

Safeguarding Contacts

Any concerns or allegations should be addressed to:

Safeguarding Contact Thumbnail - Karen Harman.jpg

Hadleigh URC Safeguarding Coordinator (children)

Karen Harman

Tel: 01473 824765

Hadleigh URC Safeguarding Coordinator (vulnerable adults)

Sammy Apraku Mensah

Tel: 01473 823118

URC Eastern Synod Safeguarding Officer

Candice Hart

Tel: 01223 830770

If the matter is urgent and requires immediate action, contact Social Services or the Police.

Local Authority Designated Officer:
0300 123 2044


Adult & Children’s Social Care Department:
0808 800 4005 (Office and Out of Hours)

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