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The Church, with its Community Rooms, and the Ansell Centre, are available to the community for hire

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The Church Building

The Church seats 150-200 on the ground floor. A great venue for concerts, talks and productions.

Refurbished AC - Fall 2017.JPG
The Ansell Centre

The spacious Ansell Centre hall hosts up to 200. There's a well equipped kitchen with a hatch into the hall. Tables and chairs available. A valued community space, well used by charities (ACC lunch clubs, digital cinema, and memories cafe) and individuals (e.g. kids parties).


Find out more about groups that use it with this brochure.

The Community Room

The Community Room caters for 30-40 people. There is a kitchenette (suitable for making teas and coffees and plating food brought in). Tables and chairs (and a piano!) are available for use. Ideal for small parties and medium sized meetings.


The Upper Community Room seats about a dozen people - tables and chairs available as well as a kettle for making hot drinks. A cosy location for a small group meeting.

Christmas 2020 MC.jpg
Image by Joe Woods
You can check availability of rooms on the diary:

Ansell Centre | Ansell Centre Meeting Room | Church | Community Room | Upper Community Room

Image by Joe Woods
For rates and bookings, please contact our administrator, Ric Lambert:


Tel: 07579 044131



You can also call into Hadleigh URC to see Ric - he is normally there on weekdays from 9-11am. However, his hours are flexible. So, below is a diary showing his office hours, which is regularly updated.

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