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Hadleigh URC (May 2016).JPG

We Are


We are seeking to live in and live out the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ

Welcome to Great Meeting


A Church at the Heart of the Community

Hadleigh United Reformed Church, Great Meeting with Monks Eleigh, is a Church at the Heart of the Community - we're located in the very centre of Hadleigh (just off Market Place) and have a wide engagement with the town community through our church programmes and the use of our premises.


The Church is very aptly named Great Meeting! It captures the essence of what we're about: a gathering of people who come together to meet with God, meet with each other and meet the needs of the community. Through such 'meetings' we are seeking to both nurture and share our faith in Jesus Christ. In addition to gathering together for our weekly Sunday Services, we also have a variety of other Ministries and Activities.


We're now part of the Ipswich and East Pastorate, a collection of churches (Leiston and Saxmundham, St John's, Castle Hill, and Felixstowe) sharing two ministers led by Rev David and Rev Adam. David is our primary-contact minister, chairing our Church and Elder's meetings, but from time to time, he'll swap duties with Rev Adam as and when required.

Sunrise Service (sunrise) (lower res).JPG
Image by Aaron Burden


Providing Family, Celebrating Diversity and Serving the Community - through and for the love of Jesus Christ

At Great Meeting we particularly value that it's a place where you can feel like family. Everyone is welcome and we try hard to support and care for each other - whether attending to spiritual or practical needs.


We also celebrate our diversity. Even though Hadleigh is a fairly monocultural place, the church family is made up of people from several different countries and cultures. We enjoy different styles of worship and our members have a surprisingly broad range of theological views!


It's vital for us that we put our faith into practice by serving the community. The Church works closely with the Ansell Centre Charity, which uses the Ansell Centre to provide various services for the people of Hadleigh and the surrounding area. We also support Eco-Church, achieving a Bronze Eco Church Award in our dedication to care for God’s earth. We are also working towards earning a Silver Eco Church Award.


Our diverse global family and community is also important to us. We are a Fairtrade Church and actively support Christian Aid and Commitment for Life, the URC's aid and development charity.


The Church Meeting is in charge of the church! The URC has retained a 'congregational' form of government, which means that all major decisions are discussed and decided at Church Meetings by Church Members. The AGM also elects members to serve as 'elders' for a period of four years. These Elders act as a leadership team and are responsible to the Church Meeting for the running of the church.


The Church Meeting also calls a 'Minister of Word and Sacraments' to serve the congregation and work with the Elders. We are now part of the Ipswich and East Pastorate, so share Rev David and Rev Adam with other churches in the pastorate.


Decisions relating to the wider URC are also discussed and decided at the regional level through Synod Meetings (we have a representative!) and at the national level through a General Assembly (we've had two representatives!).

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Aaron Burden
Image by Nienke Broeksema


Today’s Great Meeting has its roots in the Congregational Church’s Hadleigh Meeting of 1690. Throughout the 18th century, the church had a respected presence as the Protestant dissenting society in the town. After the building of the present ‘Great Chapel’ in 1832, growth in its witness was significant.  


The Church continued to hold a prominent role in the town and surrounding district and opted into the national union between Congregationalists and Presbyterians in 1972, which formed the United Reformed Church of today.


In the 1830s, members of the Church opened a British School in Hadleigh, offering weekday education to the poorer children of the town. The school later moved into new purpose-built premises - today’s Ansell Centre - a building that continues to serve the Church and community.

Image by Mike Labrum

So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Romans 12:5

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